The latest blogs from the ICKLE project
Are you an educator working in a mainstream primary school?
ICKLE+ needs your help!
Welcome to Katy!
New team member announcement
ICKLE+ announcement!
New funding for impact work
Interpreting the ICKLE Project Interim Findings - Can you help?
Five key findings that we are seeking feedback on
School provision for home learning during the Spring 2020 lockdown
What were schools providing to support families with home learning during the first lockdown?
The home learning curriculum
What areas of the Early Years curriculum were families able to focus on during the spring 2020 lockdown?
Parents' use of resources during the spring 2020 lockdown
How did caregivers view the tasks and resources sent home from school during the spring 2020 lockdown, and what activities were popular?
Parents' experiences of lockdown
How did parents with reception-aged children experience the lockdown of spring 2020?
Emerging findings
Summary of findings from first round of data collection